Losing muscle power as we age: A fat molecule may be a factor in the decline of strength

2013-08-13 06:50:10 – Losing muscle power as we age: A fat molecule may be a factor in the decline of strength
by Julie Flaherty August 12, 2013 As people get older, fat tissue inevitably takes up residence in their muscles, but some of that fat may be particularly damaging. A small study conducted at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) suggests that buildup of a fat molecule known as ceramide might play a leading role in muscle deterioration in older adults. The study enrolled 10 men in their mid-70s and nine men in their early 20s. None was overweight, and none had exercised in six months. The researchers, including first author Donato Rivas, an HNRCA scientist, took muscle biopsies before and after the participants performed a single round of leg exercises to examine how the workout affected muscle growth. Their analysis showed that two types of ceramide molecules were higher in the older men. “We suspect that the increased storage of /td>
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